Contact me

About me

> My name is Andressa and I'm 19 years old.
> I'm a Information Systems student at FURG.
> I'm a Web Developer at Byte Jr.
> I develop websites with html, css, js and
> I'm currently learning Game Development
with Unity and C# and looking to start learning
> Sometimes I do competitive programming
using Python and C++, check my profile at Beecrowd.

Feel free to contact me through the links bellow:


Web Developer

Andressa Constantino


Tool and Languages

This project was developed with HTML, CSS and Javascript. The tools used are Figma and WebStorm.

About the project

The project idea came from this repository and it was developed with the purpose to practice my skills.

Tool and Languages

This project was developed with HTML, CSS, Javascript and jquery. The tools used are VS Code and WebStorm.

About the project

This news website was developed for a college project, it was a group project so I didn't develop all by myself, I participated mainly in the coding part, not the design.

Tool and Languages

This project was developed with HTML, CSS and Javascript. The tool used was WebStorm.

About the project

The project idea came from this repository and it was developed with the purpose to practice my skills.

Tool and Languages

This project was developed with React JS and Next JS, the tool used was VS Code

About the project

The project idea came from Alura's React Imersion, an event with the purpose of teaching React and helping the students to develop the firt React project.

Tool and Languages

This project was developed with CSS, HTML and Javascript, the tool used was WebStorm

About the project

The project was developed for a college project to practice html, css, javascript and how to code functional form's input validations.

Tool and Languages

This project was developed with HTML, CSS and Javascript. The tool used was WebStorm.

About the project

The project idea came from this repository and it was developed with the purpose to practice my skills.

Tool and Languages

This game is being developed with C# and Unity with assets from here.

About the project

The game idea came from me, and is being developed with the purpose to improve my skills.